Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Choosing your computer

When it comes to personal computers, there are a few options a newbie could consider. First of all there is the MAC vs IBM PC war and also the question between getting a desktop or a laptop/notebook. so it depends on what your taste and requirement is.

Apple's on computing

Apple is the company responsible for many tech devices which have become fashion icons. for Eg: the ipod,iphone and the imac are a few iconic designs by Apple and the company always push the existing technology to it's limits when introducing new devices to their line up. Let it be a MAC or an ipod the next thing that is prominint next to their design is the high price.
 Apple Designs all of the Gadjets from the Hardware to the software in their products. Hardware is selected from vendors and the software which runs on them are specifically designed to run on the selected hardware. This makes all the software take maximum advantage of the hardware configuration of an Apple product an at the same time reduces the options that can be offered. To my knowledge, every mac (even with the basic configuration) is a high end product!

Apple products are not serviceble by users and even the iphone has it's battery sealed in. so, if you end up with a dead battery, your only option is to get back to a mac repair center.

people who use macs or any other apple product praise the simplicity and the ease of use of the device, so to put it all together in a single line, Apple would be a company offering Technology in a simple way at a high price for the less techy customer.

IBM PC model

The PC we are referring to is actually the old IBM personal computer model which was introduced way back in 1981. the speciality or the secret behind the success of IBM model is the capability for any one to assemble an IBM pc clone by putting together parts off the shelf!! This has been the secret formula which has boosted up PC user count world wide around or more than 95%.

If you have a knowldge in computer hardware, you could put together a PC depending on your budget. The catch here is that even your 
still on a low budget, you could decide on which parts to put more money on and which parts to keep aside for future upgrades. As the hardware manufactures offer a broad range of hardware products, the end user has a somewhat more control over their money compared to buying a mac.

Once you put together your PC, you have the option to go for an open source operating system like Ubuntu or else choose windows.so in my opinion the PC is more affordable and has a lot of options.

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